Intuitively Authentic

This is a podcast of 2 type A girls working hard to untangle the BS stories and expectations related to the illusion of perfection. Bit by bit we attempt to untangle societies demands of us by sinking into our own intuition- keeping it simple by doing more things that energize us, and less that drain us. Together we will explore insights, tips & tricks in an attempt to help you discover your messy, beautiful, and truest self too. Because let’s be honest, the world is in need of some beauty & authenticity, so let’s be THAT and see where it takes us!

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Thursday Aug 29, 2024

ABSOLUTELY BITTERSWEET. As we delve into people pleasing and how that shows up in our lives, and others, we discover that we need to say goodbye to being podcasters (at least for now)… join us in a vulnerable conversation on how we are choosing ourselves- in that ever present effort to be, INTUITIVELY AUTHENTIC. 

35. Blocking Joy

Wednesday Jul 31, 2024

Wednesday Jul 31, 2024

Why is it that when something should feel so good, we limit ourselves in the experience? We come up with a million reasons why we can’t allow ourselves to truly be as joyful as we could… as annoying as this is, and as much as we want to deny we do this, most of us probably do. Why? How can we stop it? Here’s a pep talk to honestly and vulnerably explore this concept. 

34. Flow State

Wednesday Jul 10, 2024

Wednesday Jul 10, 2024

Ready for a PEP TALK?? Have you ever been so immersed in something that you lose all track of time and feel as if you are fully present and your thoughts are just flowing out of you? Let’s explore what gets us to that point and how to do more of it- so we can put into practice being present on that “next level”

33. Mental Flexibility

Wednesday Jun 19, 2024

Wednesday Jun 19, 2024

OOF this one hits why dichotomies and  rigidity can be so detrimental in our lives, but also the reality of how stinking hard letting go of it all can be. For those of us who tend to lean into the illusion of control, “letting go” can feel scary, and maybe even impossible. But man, after exploring the benefits and nuance of psychological flexibility, we tend to be on board with being open to this more in our lives, and we hope you may too. 

32. The Need To Be Liked

Wednesday Jun 05, 2024

Wednesday Jun 05, 2024

Despite our best efforts to be “above” or “beyond” needing to be liked, for most of us there is still a nagging desire to be liked by those we come into contact with. Whether it’s the waiter at a restaurant, our boss, or our closest family and friends, being received well tends to a goal. There are times when we contort ourselves to be more palatable, to be understood or to feel included. How can we use this to benefit us/others, but not stray away from who we are authentically? Let’s have a vulnerable conversation and see where it leads. 

Wednesday May 22, 2024

There are definite times where the weight of life seems to be TOO MUCH. The mental, emotional and physical load and weight of stress, resonates HARD. How do we know we’re experiencing it when it shows up so differently for us all? And more importantly, how we do lean into it and “recover” from it?? 

Friday May 10, 2024

Oof. It is so hard to be gentle with ourselves, isn’t it? For whatever reason a default is often to judge, shame or pressure ourselves to be more or do more… but what a hard way to live life. We can probably agree that this is exhausting and if there was an alternate we would likely choose that. So HOW do we do that? Insert, grace. This episode delves into why this is so dang hard and possible ways to employ it a little more often. 

29. Black & White Thinking

Thursday Apr 11, 2024

Thursday Apr 11, 2024

If you’re anything like us, life seems safer when you think in absolutes, the black and white. The problem with this is, life happens in the gray. Why do we do this? How can we tune into awareness and acceptance of this uncomfortable fact? Jess, LPC, joins us to walk through all these things… resulting in a super impactful episode.

Thursday Mar 28, 2024

We often hear the phrase “trust your gut” as advice or inspiration. However, that can be SO tricky when we don’t know what the heck that means, what intuition is, how to recognize it, and most importantly how to act on it. Insert, today’s episode. We too have a desire to do just that, trust ourselves, but do not have all those questions worked out either. Join us for a raw conversation on how we do (and don’t!) trust ourselves and ways that plays out in our lives.

Thursday Mar 21, 2024

Why is it that we tend to over explain everything we do, say, think & are? Is this taught to us? Is it innate? Is the absolute BULLSHIT? Yes to all. It’s time to stop freaking apologizing (or asking permission) for taking up space and living into who you are MEANT.TO.BE. 


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